Dominica enjoys one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean
CRIME – Precaution is better than cure
Although crime is amongst the lowest in the Caribbean, it is always wise to take basic precautions, and keep a close eye on your belongings in public places.
The Commonwealth of Dominica gained Independence on November 3, 1978.
Dominica is a Republic with a non-executive presidency and parliamentary government. It has a House of Assembly with 30 members (21 elected, 9 appointed). Elections are held every five years, for all adults (18 over). The House of assembly elected the President for no more than two terms of five years. He or she appoints the Prime Minister, who consults the President in appointing other ministers.
Last elections : December 2014 .
Next elections : before December 2019.
Head of Government : The Prime Minister, the Hon. ROOSEVELT SKERRIT.
Governing party: The Dominica Labour Party, 15 /21 parliament seats